Svenska: Visste du att det har tillverkats segelflygplan också i Finland? På bilderna ser du PIK-20 E (EFKY) som renoverades här i Kotka åren 2010-2011. Motorsegelflygplanet OH-607 uppnådde bland annat en tredje plats i VM år 1983.
English: Did you know that glider aircrafts have been manufactured also in Finland?
The name PIK is an acronym for Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho, the flying club of the Student Union of Helsinki University of Technology. In these pictures you can see PIK-20 E, renovated here in Kotka 2010-2011. This motor glider OH-607 got a third place in the World Cup 1983.
Finn made PIK-20 E |
PIK-20 E got third prize in the motor glider World Cup 1983 |
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